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Programs for Teens:
P.R.I.D.E, Parents Reducing Incidents in Driving Errors, This class was developed by the Georgia Institute for Traffic Injury Prevention. For more information on this programs please go to their website, www.ridesafegeorgia.org, This is a free two hour class.
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P.R.I.D.E, Parents Reducing Incidents in Driving Errors, This class was developed by the Georgia Institute for Traffic Injury Prevention. For more information on this programs please go to their website, www.ridesafegeorgia.org, This is a free two hour class.

2nd Annual
Open Car Show

See Pictures Inside!
Upcoming School Visits
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Driver Awareness and Education
for Teens and Parents
Are you a teenage driver? Are you the parent of a teenage driver? If you are one or the other, this new site, FEAR THIS, is for you!
- Information and resources for teens and parents on safe driving concerns
- A Memorial Wall for teens and parents to post tributes to friends or children who have lost their lives in car accidents
- To promote automobile safety through give-aways, special offers, links to other sites, and other similar means
This project is dedicated to all those who have been lost to fatal accidents. These lives are more than just statistics, they are sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, boyfriends, girlfriends, and best friends. We will strive to do our part to help teens and parents with programs that will be educational, informative and even have some fun along the way.
Please feel free to share your comments and concerns with us.
Woodrow Gaines
For more information about the site, or how you can be a supporting sponsor, please email Woodrow Gaines at [email protected].

is the only advanced training course for teens endorsed by John Oxendine, State of Georgia Insureance Commissioner.
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The Matt Lane Scholarship

Centerville man fights for teen driving safety
Read the article

Andy Byers superintendent of the Jackson County School System is just another parent taking his daughters for a driving lesson.
Teenage Race Drivers Speak Out!
In most ways Michelle Theriault and Reed Sorenson are typical teenagers. Both are 16, both active in school and sports, and both have recently received their Georgia Learner’s Permits. Michelle and Reed do differ from their classmates in one interesting way: both have been racing cars for the past ten years!
Read the article here!
See pictures of 16-year olds Michelle Theriault and Reed Sorenson.

NEW: Teenage And Adult Driver Responsibility Act brochure now available on-line!
Governor’s Office of Highway Safety